Is migraine pointless?
I have suffered from migraines all my life
Until now.
I am a neuroscience geek and a constant researcher. Particularly on this subject.
A few years ago I heard a doctor specialist say
Migraine is pointless pain.
This was both reassuring and perplexing.
Reassuring that a life threatening condition is not usually indicated
Perplexing because then why do they occur to cause such pain to the sufferer?
I now question this statement.
The causes and symptoms of migraine are multiple. But all doctors will agree it’s a neurological condition. Recent research links the meninges (the outer covering of our brain and spinal cord) to the excruciating pain which many suffer.
And that chronic anxiety and stress are frequently at its heart.
The body’s neurological pathways are linked to all other parts of the body. Including the gut and hormones.
The constant presence of cortisol through stress throws the whole body out of kilter.
Neutralising stress levels can have a huge positive effect.
So maybe migraine does have a function after all.:
– To alert us to back off.
– To rest and recover
– To turn off the constant red alert
– To lower the cortisol
I’m pleased to say that my migraines have abated.
Through self-hypnosis.
Hypnotherapy is a wonderful tool for alleviating chronic pain of all kinds.
Do you suffer from migraine? Or know someone else who does? If so do email me for a no obligation chat. I have helped so many people with this debilitating condition.
Because I’ve been there too.